These Celebrities Went From the “Television Garden”

These Celebrities Went From the "Television Garden"

The ballerman party was supposed to take place next Sunday at the “Fernsgarten”. But it was canceled on short notice and planned acts were canceled – only three of the announced cast are allowed to stay.

Photo series with 24 pictures

The Mallorca episode “Fernsgarten” is particularly popular among fans. Also this year, some spectators were looking forward to the Ballermann party on Lerchenberg in Mainz. love the stars Mickey Krause, team toupet, Jurgen Milski Or Jurgen Druze. But all the stars were dropped a few days before the live show.

Because there will be no Mallorca episode on Sunday. The reason for this decision is the flood disaster in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. “Due to current events,’ZDF Television GardenA ZDF spokesman said on Thursday, “It has been decided to postpone the broadcast on July 25 with ‘Mallorca’ to a later date within the ‘TV Garden’ season.”

These artists should have performed on Sunday:

  • Mickey Krause
  • Anna-Maria Zimmerman and Lorenz Buffalo
  • Jurgen Milski
  • Jurgen Druze and Die Junxi
  • Marcus Baker
  • marry
  • Matthias Distel
  • visceral
  • dense and stupid
  • Isi Gluck and Julian Banjo
  • dragon the car dealer
  • Detlef Steves

Employed Artists agreed with this decision. However, three of them can still be seen at the “Fernsgarten” on Sundays: Anna-Maria Zimmermann, Lorenz Buffel and Menderes. The others were replaced by nine new musicians. Stars like Ollie P. or Vincent Gross are now expected. We wanted musicians “who also have more moderate songs in their repertoire,” “Build” newspaper reported.

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These artists will do this on Sunday:

  • He was. P
  • Vincent Gross and Emiliza Wellbrock
  • Paulina Wagner
  • Ricky Reason
  • bruno ferrara
  • Claudia Jung
  • saskia lepin
  • Hansi Hinterseer
  • Anna-Maria Zimmerman and Lorenz Buffalo
  • visceral

The popular Mallorca episode should be made. As the “Build” newspaper reports, it was pushed to September. However, this has not been confirmed yet. The new motto is now: “Schlager, Action, Sport and Spiel”.

This year’s “Fernsgarten” season will run until September 26, when there will be a special edition Sunday to mark the 35th anniversary of the ZDF show.

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