These foods can help against arthrosis, arthritis and the like

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of: Caroline Schaefer

Unhealthy eating habits can trigger chronic inflammation. Anti-inflammatory foods can help: You should know this.

Frankfurt – Whether diabetes, arthritis, arthrosis, gout, multiple sclerosis or neurodermatitis – no matter how different the diseases are, they are often based on inflammatory responses in the body. “Inflammatory processes play a role in an incredible number of diseases,” explained nutritionist Mathias Riddle. NDR, Basically, inflammation is thought to be an important defense response to damage tissue. Its purpose is to remove the harmful effect. Inflammation usually manifests as red skin, warmth in the inflamed area, and swelling. This is often accompanied by pain, and function is usually restricted. Inflammation in the body, on the other hand, is initially unnoticed and is expressed, for example, by fever, general malaise and pain.

If certain parts of the body are irritated for a long time, chronic inflammatory diseases can develop. These are usually noticeable through recurring symptoms such as gout or gout. Several factors work together to create and maintain inflammatory processes, including lack of sleep and exercise, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, stress and an unhealthy diet.

Preventing inflammation in the body – You should especially avoid unhealthy foods

Too greasy, too much sugar, not enough nutrients and too many empty calories: Today, due to the over-supply of food in western countries, many people lead unhealthy lifestyles. “Sweet, wheat products and excessive meat consumption — especially pork, which contains a particularly large number of pro-inflammatory substances,” promote inflammation in the body, informed rheumatologist Anne Fleck. NDR, The lack of anti-inflammatory foods in the diet also plays an important role.

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Fruits and vegetables are the key to a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet.
Fruits and vegetables are the key to a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet. © Fabian Sommer / DPA

To avoid chronic inflammation, a healthy, balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential. Basically, a healthy lifestyle starts with enough fluids in the form of water or tea without sugar. The German Society for Nutrition recommends at least 1.5 liters per day. When moving more or in summer temperatures.

Chronic Inflammation: Vegetables and Fruits Are Part of a Healthy Diet

Fruits and vegetables should also form an important part of the diet. AOK Health Insurance Company recommends having at least three handfuls of raw or cooked vegetables a day. Two handfuls of low-sugar fruits are recommended. A particular anti-inflammatory effect is attributed to these types of fruits and vegetables:

  • Leek and Onion Vegetables: Many vitamins (A, B, C, E) and high amounts of minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus
  • Broccoli: Supplements phytochemicals such as glucosinolates
  • Red Capsicum: Lots of Vitamin C and Lots of Fiber
  • Cherries and Red Berries: lots of vitamin C and phytochemicals such as anthocyanins
  • spinach: Rich in vitamins (C, E) and minerals such as beta-carotene, zinc and selenium

Nuts, vegetable oils and spices also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3s strengthen the immune system and allow the reduction of inflammatory processes in the body. Turmeric, ginger and chili are also said to have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Healthy diet: Nuts, oils and spices have anti-inflammatory effects

It is not important for an anti-inflammatory diet to eat only certain foods. As a rule, it is enough to include healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables in the eating plan and reduce inflammatory foods such as alcohol, meat or sweets. Anyone who is already suffering from chronic inflammation like arthritis, arthrosis and the like should avoid frequent inflammatory foods. It also includes heavily processed products, such as prepared foods, sausages, cheese and foods that specifically contain gluten.

Excess consumption of animal products can not only lead to chronic inflammation in the body, but also increase the risk of depression,

“A predominantly vegetarian and plant-based diet ensures an adequate supply of anti-inflammatory substances,” the Association for Independent Health Advice wrote. “The more colorful and varied the food selection, the better.” Stress reduction, adequate sleep and adequate exercise in everyday life are also important. (cheese)

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