This is how you can strengthen your immune system

This is how you can strengthen your immune system

Everything and everything is an intact immune system to protect ourselves from diseases. A balanced diet and regular exercise support the immune system. Vaccination is another way to strengthen the body’s defenses. Because a preventive vaccination can not only protect against a serious preventable disease, but also improve and maintain the general resilience of the immune system. A trained immune system can in turn provide protection against further diseases or a severe course of the disease.

Dr. Andreas Leishker, MA, founding member of the German Society for Geriatrics’ “Ag Vaccination,” MA: “In my medical practice I experience time and again how many people know their individual risk of developing shingles. In fact, each The person who has had chickenpox once in his life belongs to the risk group and it is almost 100% in people over the age of 50. The good news: Vaccination can provide very reliable protection against shingles, especially in old age , when the body’s immune system is weak. Also, every vaccination helps to strengthen the immune system and protect us from serious diseases.”

Permanent Immunization Commission (STIKO) as a standard vaccination for people over age 60 and for people with an underlying disease (such as diabetes, asthma, COPD, arthritis, etc.) as an indication for vaccination from age 50 onwards. Recommends shingles vaccination as

Talk to your doctor about your personal risk of getting sick and how you can protect yourself.

For more information see: Imfen.d/shingles ,

* Available vaccines have been tested in extensive clinical studies and are approved as safe. Like many vaccinations, vaccination reactions can occur with the shingles vaccination. They are produced because the immune system is activated and produces antibodies. If vaccination reactions do occur, they usually last only one to three days. Typical symptoms include pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, as well as tiredness, headache, muscle aches, and fever.

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