This is how you recharge your battery in the sun

This is how you recharge your battery in the sun

After a long winter, many sunless days and icy temperatures, the body’s own Vitamin D3 stores are almost empty – fatigue, poor concentration, loss of strength and low mood spreads. Now is the high time to refill the tank. And it’s not as difficult as you might think. Anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors and shows as much skin as possible produces the best conditions for the body that produces vitamins that regulate metabolic processes. But even if you spend a lot of time indoors, you can, for example, fill the memory with the right diet.

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Fatty fish such as herring, eels, sardines, tuna, cod, salmon or mackerel are ideal sources of sun vitamins. But oyster and beef liver also ensure that vitamin D3 levels rise. Such as porcini mushrooms, sweet potatoes, sprouts, dandelions, oatmeal, avocados, egg yolk and dairy products (butter, processed cheese, yogurt). Vitamin D3 is heat-stable and is also retained during cooking (up to 180 degrees).

Well supplied

Because you can often fill the depot completely through groceries and walks, experts recommend taking dietary supplements. But beware: Excessive intake of Vitamin D3 can cause health side effects – so you should check the actual Vitamin D3 value by your doctor before taking it.

please pay attention

  • Anyone who spends a lot of time outside should not underestimate the spring sun. Sunburn is a very big risk right now because the skin is still pale from winter and is protected under thick clothing for months. Therefore, it is better to avoid the blazing sun.
  • According to experts, you should be in daylight at least 3 times a week (20 minutes each time) so that the body can produce vitamin D3.
  • If the vitamin is missing, the body also starts building fat stores. With the increased feeling of hunger, the slow burning of fat can lead to obesity.
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