This is what Andrea Kiwell thinks about Luke Mockridge on TODAY

This is what Andrea Kiwell thinks about Luke Mockridge on TODAY

No appearance in “ZDF-Fernsgarten” has attracted as much attention as Luke Mockridge’s performance. Two years later, Andrea Kivel still gets clear words.

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the appearance of Luke Mockridge In “Fernsgarten” was already two years ago, but it is still there in the minds of many viewers. Too Andrea Keewell The comedian’s performance will not soon be forgotten. But now the presenter can smile about it, but he has not forgiven the TV star.

“My audience is sacred to me”

In an interview with “Hello Deutschland”, in which Berliner thinks about 35 years of “Fernsgarten”, when asked about Luke Mockridge’s appearance, he said: “He said really bad things. I am very angry. It’s one of my biggest achievements to this day, because I’ve maintained impulse control and didn’t get stuck in his throat.”

The 32-year-old caused a stir in the summer of 2019 as he cracked silly Fritzschen jokes, talked bananas on the phone, walked like a monkey or made fun of old people during his performances. The last point in particular is a no-go for Andrea Kiwell. “My audience is sacred to me,” she insisted in the interview.

“Shame on you, Luke Mockridge”

Also on the show at that time, shortly after the scandal, she said: “What Luke Mockridge has given here exceeds all my thoughts of incompetence that I have ever experienced.” He did not appear for the rehearsal. “When a young performer dares to jump on my stage like a monkey in front of my audience, I think the worst behavior that can happen among performers.” She ended her angry speech with the words: “Shame on you Luke Mockridge, never again.”

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This year’s “Fernsgarten” season will run until September 26, when a special edition will take place to mark the 35th anniversary of the Sunday ZDF show.

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