This is what happens when you eat tangerines daily

Mandarinen lagern

Wintertime doesn’t just mean that much: Gingerbread, speculos, and ginger nuts are finally here again. But also: finally fresh Mandarin again! The fruits of the little orange are now in season and, as fruit bearers, get us in the mood for the season of Advent. how healthy are tangerines And what other reasons to eat them every day? We explain it in this article.

How Healthy Are Tangerines?

Few calories, lots of vitamins – So The ingredients of tangerines can be summarized as follows. Orange-colored citrus fruits contain almost as much fiber as apples and provide just 54 calories per 100 grams. ie: as an in-between snack they make it long filled with no complaints, However, a lot happens in tangerines lots of fructoseThat’s why you should not eat them by kilo.

How Healthy Are Tangerines? they are lots of vitamin cBut B vitamins like B1, B2, B3 (niacin), B9 (folic acid) and vitamin A. When it comes to minerals, tangerines provide valuable potassium.

What happens in the body when you eat tangerines daily?

Eating about 3 to 4 organic tangerines per day can have a positive effect on your body. You can look forward to these health benefits:

1. You strengthen your immune system

Mandarins are rich in vitamin C. Vitamins are especially important for your health immune defense, You meet your daily requirement with 3 to 4 fruits And thus strengthens your immune system. This is especially important in winter, because cold breeze, which dries out your mucous membranes, allowing viruses to easily enter your body. If your immune system is strengthened, it can fight pathogens well and you can stay healthy.

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2. Your skin becomes clear

Vitamin C is also a real booster for the cleanse skin, Antioxidant protects against free radicals and thus prevents flawsacne and pigment spots before this. It is also involved in the formation of collagen skin plump and taut Power. If you consume tangerines daily, then your skin will also benefit.

3. You Can Keep Your Weight Easy

Citrus fruits, such as tangerines, promote it work out by using keep your metabolism up, If you consume tangerines daily, it will be easier for you to maintain your weight. However, you must be careful otherwise low sugar fruit And if possible, avoid consuming industrial sugar from sweets and ready meals.

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