Residential real estate in Greece is in demand not only as a holiday home and retirement home, but also as a capital investment.
(Photo: Getty Images)
Athens Marin Werner is satisfied. “That’s exactly what we wanted,” says the retiree and leads the visitor to the roof. His hand describes a semicircle. The view leads through the sparkling Saronic Gulf to the island of Aegina. Behind them rise the mountains of the Peloponnese peninsula. In the clear air of this autumn day, you can even see Hydra Island from afar. The thermometer shows late summer 25 degrees.
Six months ago, Marin and his wife moved from Hanover to Greece. He paid 590,000 euros for a 120 square meter condominium on the Athenian Riviera. The couple, both in their late 60s, want to spend most of the year here.
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