This snack is “Germany’s Most Delicious Idea”: Big Quinoa! , Entertainment

This snack is "Germany's Most Delicious Idea": Big Quinoa!  ,  Entertainment

On Monday evening (22 August), Woakes once again feasted like crazy.

In “Germany’s Most Delicious Ideas,” ten food start-ups were allowed to showcase what dishes they’ve developed. In five duets, it was decided who would reach the finals at the end of the evening and who would meet with their consideration the very next day at all 3,700 German Reeve stores.

Farmers looking for Inka Buse

Recipes allowed to be tasted by 100 representative test eaters and five key guests: presenter Jana Ina Zarrela (45), TV chef Tim Malzer (51), presenter Inca Bous (53), comedian Mirza Bose (50) and ” Unter Uns” actress and Reeve store manager Ines Querman (43).

Gourmet candidates competed against each other in various categories such as “breakfast”, “lunch break”, “party” and “snack” and did not ignore the issue of sustainability.

Robin Simsa in his presentation

Robin Simsa in his presentation

Photo: RTL/Frank W. Hempel

Scientist Robin Simsa, 30, presents his salmon substitute “Revo Salmon”, which not only withstood the overfishing of the oceans, but is hardly distinguishable from the original animal.

The Inca bows were enthusiastic: “I can imagine being in sushi.” Only Mirza Bose was still struggling with the new product: “I’m an honest, inner person and I really like to eat things within limits where it’s tolerable, but…”

Tim Malzer couldn’t resist a tip: “But you’ve been doing ‘Grill Den Hensler’ for a long time!”

Young farmer Mark Jungler brings organic creamy dumplings with him

Young farmer Mark Jungler brings organic creamy dumplings with him

Photo: RTL/Frank W. Hempel

Farmer Mark Jungler (35), who offered organic creamy fritters from Almost Natural Farms, immediately received offers from major test eaters.

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“Bauer Sucht Frau” moderator Inca Baus wanted to cast the young farmers straight: “Sorry you took that. I would have recruited you right away.” Tim Malzer apparently thought he was in “The Lions Den” and opened: “I’m offering you 50,000 euros for 25 percent of your shares.” Moderator Amiyaz Habtu couldn’t help laughing: “It’s another show!”

Tim Malzer, Jana Ina and Inca Bause (from left) were in a great mood at the jury panel

Tim Malzer, Jana Ina and Inca Bause (from left) were in a great mood at the jury panel

Photo: RTL/Frank W. Hempel

Clear “Quinoa Bites”

Hamburg’s Gordon Prox (35) was particularly excited, though, and he was really upset before his pitch: “I’m trying to be cool for you today, but I’m excited.”

His product includes not only years of work, but also a long way: he obtains quinoa from Ecuador for the “Quinoa Bites” of his company “El Origin” and provides sustainable production, fair payment and respect for human and nature. Pay careful attention to operation.

Ina particularly liked the chocolate-wrapped puffed quinoa snack, who said: “I ate everything pretty quickly. I love that! It was really perfect. It’s not crispy, but it’s a lot.” Not too baggy either.”

As he reached the final, Gordon could hardly believe his luck: “I really feel like a winner tonight. Imagine if I could call Ecuador and tell them what kind of feedback I got. They’ll go crazy. But now imagine, I’ll be ‘Germany’s tastiest idea’ and tell them. Pure growth!

Prix ​​can now open Champagne: Her “quinoa bites” dominated the competition with 74 percent and were voted Germany’s most delicious idea at the end of the evening. Starting Tuesday, breakfast can be found at all German Reeve stores.

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