This technical glitch costs nerves in the semifinals of “The Voice” – TV

This technical glitch costs nerves in the semifinals of "The Voice" - TV

Something like this can only happen in a live show…

Technology went on strike at a particularly crucial moment Sunday evening in the semi-finals of “The Voice of Germany.” So the two acts had to tremble for a long time for unplanned progress.

In the Decision Show, each juror started with their two favourites. Who made the final can only be determined by the TV audience voting directly after the performance. A great game for everyone involved.

Mark Forster (38) sent vocals duo Charlene (32) and Florian Gallant (35) into a race against Razzone’s beatboxers. In the end the coach was happy not to choose the winner of the duel himself.

The Razzoons rioted the halls with “Hey Ya” by Outkast. Forster was once again excited about his disciples. “You can’t get more ‘The Voice of Germany’ than this. It would be time for a band like that to make it to the finals.”

Coaches (Von Lins) Johannes Ording, Sarah Connor, Nico Santos and Mark Forster at a casting show for a participant's birthday

Coaches (von Lins) Johannes Ording, Sarah Connor, Nico Santos and Mark Forster shoot confetti in the air in the semi-finals of the casting show “The Voice of Germany” for a participant’s birthday. Moderator Lena Gerke is at right. Photo: Annette Riedl / DPA

But Charlene and Florian didn’t miss a thing either and gave an impressive performance with “Broken Strings” by James Morrison (37). Moderator Melissa Khalaj (32) said: “You can sing whatever you want. It always looks like love.”

Then the decision: after each duel the audience voting was displayed on an LED wall. But this time the wall didn’t want to do anything. Melissa Khalaj joked: “We make it exciting – very exciting.” Meanwhile, Mark Froster tries to bridge the wait time by fooling around with the beatboxers.

But there was still time to vote. As a precaution, the moderator explained: “We will wait a little longer. Of course work has to be done. The technology has to work. It has to work back there. It proved to be excruciatingly long minutes for the geniuses and their boss. Then Khalaj had to announce: “We just have a technical problem. We’ll have to get the graphic out again for a moment.”

Reached the finals (from left): Sebastian Kranz, Linda Elsener, Gugu Zulu, Katarina Mihaljevi, Charlene and Florian Gallant

Reached the finals (from left): Sebastian Kranz, Linda Elsener, Gugu Zulu, Katarina Mihaljevi, Charlene and Florian GallantPhoto: Annette Riedl / DPA

Meanwhile, the Razzones started beatboxing again to keep the audience happy. Then at the end the names of the acts were on the LED wall. The moderator expressed hope: “It should now work.” And lo and behold – the result was also out: With 73.3 percent of calls, Charlene and Florian had outpaced their opponents. For him, the long wait was definitely worth it.

Her appearance did not completely reassure TV viewers: ex-ESC participant Ann Sophie Durmayer (31) had expected a major comeback on “The Voice of Germany”. But their journey also ended in the semi-finals. Your version of Sinead O’Connor’s “Nothing Compares 2 U” lacked the emotional depth of the original. Greater voice Sebastian Kranz (29) outclassed the singer with 67.2 percent.

These actions fight for the title in the final

Charlene and Florian Gallant (Team Mark Forster), Sebastian Kranz (Team Johannes Ording), Gugu Zulu (29, Team Nico Santos), Katarina Mihaljevic (21, Team Sarah Connor) and Linda Elsner (19, Team Elif).

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