how lovely!
Moderator Thor Schallermann and his wife Jana congratulated their new arrival: Baby Ilvi is here!
The two new parents made two identical posts on Instagram. There he wrote, filled with the joy of his parents: “To be honest, I don’t even know what to write because no words in the world can describe how grateful we are for you and what we have for you.” feel it!”
And in another post: “And suddenly everything makes sense! Welcome to the little Schölermannchen family!”
Strictly speaking, “scholarmnchen” is not correct – on the contrary, baby Ilvi is a schooner woman. a girl.
In a BILD interview, Thor said in September: “We’re getting a girl. It’s great because we really didn’t have any preferences.”
The post continues: “I hope you take a long time to see and read this post, but if: we love you and are always behind you!”
And just for fun, dad warns future fans: “To future boys… when the time comes… I’ll keep an eye on you!”
But now both of them have their eyes on their little one first.
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