Tommy Schmidt doesn’t read anything about himself

Tommy Schmidt doesn't read anything about himself


05.04.2021 15:49, – Print the article Send email

Cologne (dpa) – Podcast star and comedy writer Tommy Schmidt (32, “Mixed Hack”) does not read any press reports about himself.

Tommy Schmidt new ZDFneo show
Tommy Schmidt is the host of the new ZDFneo show “Studio Schmidt”. Photo: Joachim Gern / ZDF / DPA

«I really don’t read anything about myself. It’s not flirtatious, “he assured the German press agency when asked how he was dealing with his growing prominence. “Right now I am progressing along with my fame. But of course this is also the reason why I am known through media such as podcasts or Instagram, ”he said. “Everyone who knows you is kind to you.”

Schmidt is known to accompany the Spotify podcast “Mixed Hack”, in which he can be heard alongside comedian Felix Lobrecht. The success of the production made him a star of the scene. Sometimes Schmidt was already part of tabloid reporting. He will present his TV show on Thursday (April 8, 10:15 pm). It is called “Studio Schmidt” and runs on ZDFneo.

He now hopes for new experiences with the project. “Television, on the other hand, is a medium in which people of your choice do not talk to you,” he said. “Now it will be a new experience.”

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