“Too Much”: New Mom Eva Beneteau Temporarily Abandons Dog

"Too Much": New Mom Eva Beneteau Temporarily Abandons Dog

avanthia benetatou (29) A tough decision had to be taken! Every Die-Hard Fan of the EastSingleGirls know: she loves her bitch Shekha! Since June, however, the fur nose is no longer the reality TV star’s only favorite: ex somerhaus– Resident has become a mother – and is currently with her son Jorge Angelos Busy to do. So Eva was now forced to leave her beloved pet for a while.

“I put my shekha on the train this morning. She is now with my father,” the 29-year-old said in her report. instagram-Story. Why? “My dad wanted to take some pressure off me. I can’t keep up with the whole thing and I feel bad that I can’t be there for Shekha one hundred percent because of the baby”, Eva explains – clearly agitated. “You can tell I’m having a hard time talking about it because it hurts me.”

The new mom also insists: “Sheikha will come to me again. I can’t do without her. I’ll be very sad for the next few days, I’m sure.” But Eva also sees the positive: “But I know he’s in good hands and a little break is definitely good for me. Especially now that the little one has extreme colic, it’s a little too much for me at the moment.” Can you understand the decision? Vote!

Eva Benetato with her dog Shekha

Instagram / Evanthiabeneteau

Eva Benetato with her dog Shekha
Eva Bennettou and her son George

Instagram / Evanthiabenetau

Eva Bennettou and her son George
Evanthia Benneteau with her dog Shekha

Instagram / Evanthiabenetau

Evanthia Benneteau with her dog Shekha
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