Top Canadian Technology Trends of 2022

It may not have hit home for you quite yet but 2022 is well and truly here and with every new year comes a number of technology trends that are set to dominate the coming months. It can be difficult to predict which technology trends will prevail ahead of time but by taking a look at which technological advancements showed promise as 2021 came to a close, it becomes somewhat easy to foretell. If you are curious as to what the top Canadian technology trends of 2022 are set to be, continue reading to find out everything you need to know.


If you are familiar with cryptocurrency, you may already be familiar with cryptocurrency. If you have heard of the term in the past but have yet to find out what it entails, it is, in the very simplest of terms, a digital, decentralised ledger that facilitates the process of recording and tracking transactions within a wider network. It is most commonly used for cryptocurrency transactions in the region but can also be used in a number of other ways with 2022 likely to be the year it will be used for processing digital payments, monitoring supply chains, sharing data, streamlining the provision of retail loyalty rewards, transferring real estate titles, and storing medical records, just to name a few.

Digital payment methods

In the past decade, a wide range of industries and sectors in Canada have been impacted by a number of emerging technological advancements and, as a result, are now able to offer digital payment methods for their customers. It is the name given to payment methods that are facilitated across the internet as opposed to in-person and can include credit cards, debit cards, and e-wallets. It may be steadily becoming commonplace throughout the region but it was e-commerce websites and online sports betting platforms such as that at, that truly revolutionised the trend by getting involved as soon as the trend became widely available several years ago.

Mobile apps

In today’s increasingly digital business landscape, businesses are scrambling to do whatever it takes to stay ahead of the curve and, as a result, stand out from the crowd. It is why a growing number of businesses are launching their very own mobile apps in an attempt to cater to growing demand and deliver maximum accessibility and flexibility for their customers. It also comes as more Canadians than ever before are choosing to browse the internet and shop for goods and services from the palm of their hand as opposed to on a desktop. In 2022, the trend is only set to continue gaining traction as mobile app spending reaches new heights in the country as well as throughout the wider world.

Self-driving cars

It may feel as if a reality where self-driving cars are on the roads is still a number of decades away but with recent progress proving promising, 2022 will see massive growth in this department. In addition, self-driving trucks may also become commonplace sooner than anticipated as developers shift their focus to autonomous freight vehicles to possibly become one of the fastest-growing technology sectors in the region in the next year. It may remain firmly in the testing phases as of right now but if last year’s progress is anything to go by, we could be in a very different place this time next year.

In 2022, a number of technology trends are set to dominate Canada as the country, and the world, makes moves towards an increasingly digital future. It is the rise of blockchain, digital payment methods, mobile apps, and self-driving cars, however, that are set to make the greatest impact in the coming year.

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