Topless by the pool: Kora Schumacher is herself

Topless by the pool: Kora Schumacher is herself

topless by the pool
Kora Schumacher is completely herself

Their love life is often bad. It certainly can’t hurt if Cora Schumacher treats herself to a few times in the pool. With the photo she posts here, she should be making some former Wuchig again.

No, no one really looks through Kora Schumacher’s love life anymore. It is certain that she was married to Ralf Schumacher from 2001 to 2015 and has a son David with her. But then the certainty largely stops.

There are always rumors that the former couple may be back in love. Similarly, Cora Schumacher also dated a Hells Angels rocker in the middle. She broke up with her “Celebrity Big Brother” collaborator Eric Sinderman just as she recently went on a flirting course with Mark Terenzi at the “Club of Good Moods.” Not to mention that she also went looking for love in her own dome show “Corra House of Love” in 2020.

In May, news circulated that the now 45-year-old had found the next girlfriend for his muse at American aerospace specialist Simon Jenner. Cora Schumacher confirmed to “Build” newspaper about the relationship, “I am happy, but I don’t need to sell my happiness to the outside world.” The two traveled between Germany and the US, it was said, to see each other regularly.

“wow, are you hot”

We don’t know if the break is pending or the contact has already ended. But what we do know is that Cora Schumacher herself considered having a very personal break by the pool. She finally reports herself on her Instagram page.

“Sometimes you have to be alone, not to be alone, but to enjoy your free time,” the former Formula 1 driver’s wife writes in her post. And to be truly herself, Cora Schumacher is topless, as can be easily inferred from the accompanying snapshot.

Should Simon Jenner watch the recording, his heart should surely warm. But some of Cora Schumacher’s exes can turn out to be Wuschig like many of her fans. “Your picture is beautiful”, “Goddess”, “Wow, are you hot”, “Hui” or “Not bad, Cora”, are just a few of the many comments on the post.

“what are you doing?” Cora Schumacher wants to know from her fans. Well, at first nothing – except to admire this Instagram snapshot.

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