Traveling in space at 727 km/h: Five facts about the James Webb Space Telescope – Panorama – Society

Traveling in space at 727 km/h: Five facts about the James Webb Space Telescope - Panorama - Society

With a so-called doodle, Google is celebrating “the deepest recording ever recorded in the universe,” as a statement said.

Among other things, the infrared image “Webb’s first dark region” will be shown. Released on July 11, 2022, this photo is the first color image by the James Webb Space Telescope and shows a galaxy cluster 4.6 billion light-years away from Earth. This is the deepest look ever in the past.

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Other images from the James Webb Space Telescope are also featured in the Google Doodle, including the “Carina Nebula”, the galaxy cluster “Stephen’s Quintet” and the “Southern Ring Nebula” (also “Eight Burst Nebula”), which is in a dying state. Is. circled the star.

Who was James Webb?

James Webb was the second NASA administrator from 1961 to 1968. During his time as the head of NASA, the American is said to have primarily worked to ensure that science and research remained the space agency’s core function. The famous Apollo mission took place under his direction, during which man landed on the moon for the first time.

The fact that the largest and most powerful space telescope ever built was named after James Webb was controversial around the world. Shortly after the name was announced, well-known astronomers called for the telescope to be renamed, because Webb, as NASA’s boss at the time, is said to have quietly tolerated discrimination against gay employees.

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What is the purpose of the James Webb Space Telescope?

The main purpose of the James Webb Space Telescope is to provide science with images from the earliest times of the universe. With the help of a 25-square-meter mirror, the telescope aims to take pictures directly from the period after the Big Bang, about 13.8 billion years ago. Releasing the first images, NASA chief Bill Nelson said, “Each image is a new discovery, and each one gives mankind a glimpse of the universe as never before.”

In addition, the researchers hope to gain new insights into how stars form and whether there are other habitable planets besides Earth.

Five pictures from the James Webb Telescope are shown in the Google Doodle.Photo: Screenshots/Google

How far is the James Webb Space Telescope from Earth?

that The James Webb Telescope is currently orbiting the so-called outer Lagrange point L2, which is about 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.

Incidentally, the temperature in space is around minus 270 degrees. however, but Temperatures up to 85 degrees are observed on the telescope side facing the Sun, while temperatures up to minus 233 degrees can be seen on the far side of the Sun. With the help of a sun shield of 25 square meters, the telescope and its sensitive instruments have to be protected from thermal radiation.

so that the telescope can deliver detailed infrared images permanently, The temperature of the components must be kept permanently below minus 223 degrees. Anyone interested in the current operating temperature of the James Webb Telescope should take a look at where is the web? Website Throw where the most current data is collected.

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How Fast Does the James Webb Space Telescope Fly?

The space telescope travels at a speed of about 202 meters per second – which roughly corresponds to 727 kilometers per hour.

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