Tropical Cyclones in Canada in September 2022: What Happened?

Tropical Cyclones in Canada in September 2022: What Happened?

A tropical cyclone has been approaching Canada since September 2022. A status report on the current situation in Canada.

As The Atlantic, CBC News, CTV News describe, according to a report dated 09/25/2022, it came Canada (Maritime Province of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Labrador) to a tropical cyclone.

Tropical cyclones in Canada: current status in September 2022

After wreaking havoc in parts of the Caribbean last week, Hurricane Fiona moved north toward eastern Canada, where it made landfall as a tropical cyclone later this week. The downgraded storm still brought torrential rain and winds up to 70 mph, causing the storm to rise and topple trees and power lines. Hundreds of thousands remain without electricity while rescue workers and utility workers work to clear debris and rebuild lines. The loss is in the billions, with the insured loss amounting to approximately $900 million.

Causes and consequences of cyclone

Cyclones are divided into types of tropical cyclones and extra-tropical cyclones. Tropical cyclones mostly form in the Indian Ocean or South Pacific Ocean in Asia. Cyclones are especially common in late summer. Because in summer when the ocean is warm, a lot of it evaporates. During evaporation, air flows from all directions. The air mass also begins to spiral due to the rotation of the Earth. It produces very high speeds that destroy buildings and landscapes.

Key data on Canada

Canada has 37.06 million people living in an area of ​​9,984,670 km. Ottawa is the capital of the country located on the North American continent.

Deadliest disasters in Canada since 2019

The current disaster case is identified by the International Project for the Documentation and Identification of GLIDE (Global Unique Disaster IDEntfier) ​​under the GLIDE number. TC-2022-000314-CAN listed.
There have been repeated emergencies in Canada in the past. A total of 6 disasters have been listed in the GLIDE database since 2019, out of which 1 was also a cyclone.

Date Event region
09/25/2022 hurricane Maritime Province Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Labrador
05/24/2022 Storm Ontario and Quebec
06/25/2021 a heat wave
01/26/2020 Storm Newfoundland and Labrador
03/01/2020 Epidemic
04/22/2019 Flooding

, Editorial note: This lesson was created automatically based on current data from the GLIDE project. We accept feedback and comments at ,

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