Turkey instead of Turkey: UN fulfills name change request

Turkey instead of Turkey: UN fulfills name change request

DAt Turkey’s request, the United Nations is now using “Turkey” instead of the previous English country name “Turkey”. A UN spokesman told the German Press Agency on Friday that the change took effect upon receipt of a letter from Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Kavusoglu.

The leadership in Ankara has long struggled, particularly with the English translation of the country’s name – partly because the English “turkey” can also mean “turkey”. Foreign Minister Cavusoglu announced on Tuesday that he would officially ask for a name change.

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According to Cavusoglu’s letter, the country also wants to be referred to as “Turkeys” in French and Spanish-language documents. The names of the Arabic and Russian countries remain the same.

Changes in the application in terms of official languages ​​of the United Nations, German is not one of them. However, Turkey’s foreign minister’s statement to the United Nations said the country would also call itself “Turkish” in German in the future.

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has argued in the past that the term best expresses the culture, civilization and values ​​of the Turkish nation.

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