“TV Total” first scene published without Stephen Raab: “I think it’ll be a disaster”

"TV Total" first scene published without Stephen Raab: "I think it'll be a disaster"

Can Sebastian Puffpuff Still Convince “TV Total” Fans?

© ProSieben / Willie Weber and screenshots of Facebook comments

TV Total is back! Starting November 10, one of the most popular late night shows in Germany will flicker on TV screens again, now with Sebastian Pfaff instead of cult presenter Stefan Raab. Withdrawals are already breaking out online.

Cologne – Many TV viewers may feel as if they have been transported back in time. Wetten didn’t have another episode until Saturday evening after a ten-year break, Das..? Now the next big, long-crushed TV show is back, with Thomas Gottschalk (71). Because TV Total is back and will be back weekly on ProSieben starting Wednesday (November 10, 8.15 p.m.).

TV Total celebrates comeback after six years

The late night show ran on television between 1999 and 2015 and was undoubtedly one of the most iconic formats of its time. The whole thing was moderated by Stefan Raab (55), who not only explored presenter Elton (50), but also established shows like disgrace or cash in on shows, the Vocal World Cup or the Bundesvision Song Contest. Extratipp.com Reported by IPPEN.media.

Fans of Stephen Raab have so far held in vain hope for a return, as the entertainer has so far strictly adhered to his announcement of his withdrawal from the public. But the TV total is still coming back, featuring nipple boards and heavy vocals, as well as a new presenter, Grimm Award winner Sebastian Puff (45).

TV fans totally don’t believe in re-running the show

The trailer already published by the broadcaster provides a short preview of the show. But many “TV Total” fans are not at all excited about what they are seeing and vent their anger online. “I think it’s going to be a disaster,” says one onlooker. “Please no,” comments another.

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“Can we vote whether Stefan will return? I miss him so much!”, another fan, Stephen Raab, himself wants back. “With Raab, I would have been really looking forward to this… but I don’t think it will be like that… a shame,” comments the next one and garnered over 400 likes in a very short time. Is. “Many people have given you pre-warnings and you still bring. TV Total 2.0 won’t last long without ‘Raab'”, another fan of the show is sure.

Can Sebastian Puffpuff still celebrate Raab’s hardcore fans? We’ll know more on Wednesday, November 10 at 8.15 pm.

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