Two lifelong dreams come true. This corpse

Two lifelong dreams come true.  This corpse

Lich (Keh). Everyone knows this: anticipation of an upcoming trip. But also related preparations. Where is my passport again? Have you packed the adapter? Oh dear, hiking boots are still missing. Travel Novels »Canada, We Are Coming! With two campers via Rocky by Elche Christ from Lich.

In it, married couple Tami and Rudiger form a pair of siblings who are friends for Western Canada. With two camper they embark on a three-week journey from the Rocky Mountains to Calgary in the Canadian province of Alberta – and experience all kinds of adventures in the process.

The novel is based on the journey Elke Christ took in 2018 with her husband and two friends. Except for the names of the four protagonists, however, the author has changed very little about the experience. “Of course, a little invented, a little exaggerated. It is clear, it is supposed to be a story, «says the 54-year-old. Your book is just a travel novel and not a travel report. As a background story, she added that the siblings traveling with her fall in love with a ranger. “There’s been a little love,” Christ says. Also, in the final third of the book, readers can wait for an encounter with a bear. “To create tension,” the author says.

With their visit to Canada, Christians have fulfilled a great dream. It took just one “tenth second” before they decided to go with their friends at their behest. “Of course we want to!” Was the answer. Elke Christ’s personal favorite experience on the trip was to visit the “Hell’s Gate” in British Columbia, where the Fraser River spans about 50 meters to just 35 meters. “It’s fantastic, it was my charm.”

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However, Christ fulfilled a lifelong dream not only with the journey, but also with the novel that resulted. “It was my dearest wish that I complete this kind of work once in my life,” she says of her debut novel. At some point the need to write a book has always been in his head. During the trip, she decided to pack what she experienced into a book. “In the end I had so much material that I could say: I will do it now!”

In July 2019, Liquorin started writing his first work. At the time of the first lockdown, as she says, the novel was finished. Christ’s cousin, who owns a publishing house, took care of the layout. “Canada, we’re coming!” “I wanted to do everything by myself,” the author explains. He also had a cover of an artist-designed book according to his ideas.

However, Elke Christ does not want to be enriched by his first novel. “I just wanted to fulfill a lifelong dream and let people participate in the dream journey.” The 54-year-old has even described his work as a negative business – he cannot recover the money in which he has invested. But since she has fulfilled a dream like this, she can overcome it.

Furthermore, the book has sold well so far, although readings and other advertising measures fell through the epidemic. In addition to selling it from home, Christian also sells his book at a barber from Gruenberg. “It would be nice if a bookstore came to me,” she still wants.

Positive Feedback from Readers

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So far, the response has been consistently positive. The work colleagues of Christ in particular were enthusiastic about their first work. “It’s like sitting on the back seat of a tourist and being there,” he praises the detailed account of the trip’s experiences. The trip to Canada was actually planned for this year, but it has also been canceled due to the epidemic. Elke Christ comforted himself with the fact that his desire to write the book had come true. “Now I’ve done it,” she says.

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