Typhoon in the Aachen region: heavy rain flooded the basement

Typhoon in the Aachen region: heavy rain flooded the basement

On Tuesday evening, in some towns near Aachen, a typhoon caused flooding of streets and basements.

from florentine lady

Herzogenrath – a thunderstorm cell Did it on Tuesday evening for flooded roads and clogged basements in some nearby cities aachen took care of

Heavy rains in the Aachen region on Tuesday evening flooded canals and flooded roads.  (symbol photo)

Heavy rains in the Aachen region on Tuesday evening flooded canals and flooded roads. (symbol photo) © Andreas Arnold / dpa

According to the fire brigade control centre, Ellsdorf, Eschweiler and Herzogenrath were particularly affected. In total, the fire brigade was stationed there for about 200 missions.

Heavy rains quickly filled canals, flooded basements and flooded streets. According to preliminary findings, however, no serious damage has been done.

As announced by Deutsche Bahn, a train route between Geilenkirchen and Herzogenrath had to be closed for some time as rain caused debris and earth to fall onto the tracks at a level crossing.

The fire department in Duren district also reported about a dozen operations due to flooding of streets and basements.

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