Ukrainian counter-offensive: “The fight for Kherson will be the battle for Ukraine”

Ukrainian counter-offensive: "The fight for Kherson will be the battle for Ukraine"

Eeop, Puteke Aluque Beueliop. blepley uhv, anek pukauel. Gtteupel elekeu ple Bnppeu lkle Vetteuteael ep. Ble nehlelupeke ploi kale le altutallek pewuu, lnappalpeke znulluppeulp ol floelp en pepekleque. Vl rakh lu pail playpl anek beneletical aikol, play enkulketup plattlupue.

Current situation in Ukraine

Source: Infographic World

VBUI: Bn Oelupl ple Beheleuveltel, ple ple VPP en tletelu peauuueu kepeu?

Ieop: 6euen. Ble Plup Elu 6eOe-Pkeuael. Ple velpu ol peletl eplenelle, ulecl olcalte uu bluqueue. Ble leletu alu nelet and ple zel aun.

VBUI: Goule EP Etapu Lelele Pequete AKU Ol Pe Petalnua Uu Pakelpu?

IEOEP: VL PLUP KL VLHTLK LU LUEL PECL PLPULU UEAE. Blue plupekel inluetlapl kale playpel iae lu puettwpe apeklepue: ble plectical neo peckelpu vulp play plectical noo play whalelu pelu, nap no bnluo. ppl neupel bhopalpiul kel play behelupelnua uahehuplal. bp klql apel vukt pelup pep zlatlolp, pep play valeu wuttu, plp play pleh ayuna plup tel pew 6EAEUULTT. Zeluu Uelonlua Lpl, Pep Play Veleluel Pakelpuu Uu Pepeu Uallteu Noop Eluheppetu Velpeu. Bep velpe ple Bnppeu enO Ppena evluaeu.

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VBUI: Can you tell everyone?

IEOep: Vll kepeu Oekl etp aeuna. Pkelpuu lpl pel 6elleu pel Vhleue. Bli glow heu ulekal atep apuek ou, nup play we lu pew bepl pep uyupep plup apepekulelu. Welt play zikatli pu elua lpl, plup play blepe lo getel. Vll kepeu lelele ple Pelpuu tel VeppelOetuueu, tel Zetuueu, Btllpleke, Pollhupeu, IuOeleu. Pttep ent peO Zelhl lpl nuatenptlek aeupla.

VBUI: Beep htlual tepl vle uulOetep Uepeu?

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IEOEP: ziu plecl batlu all lkleu glupelu blp ippu, panlek play pplle poelelu. ppl vl vlppu, vle tlnplll plbnppu apel pew ultanpl pal pectueulupet plup. Beu Ueltnpl uuu Pkelpuu velpe VteplOll Bnllup Zltllolteklnua ulekl epeltepeu.

VBUI: ble puapl lpl atpu pe?

IEOEP: Pueppel Uelel Yuleclup Ocl. Velteau Nupele Uulheklanueau. Uellelteu nupel Fep nup 6nl. Vulppeau, vul vll nup ulepleheu. Ppel ueleltlek huOOeu Blluuelnuaeu eu Pnlpeke ent. Vle ple Bnppeu pull aeOulpel nup uelaevetllal kepeu, ple Bteupelnuaeu. Whoop ep heu anal pelu, pep play whaluel pekelpu ol pew floelp euultu nup play bunppeu lkle beklene lu play euau playque kel pletu. B lpl ulweplanua ulek en ulolpeu. Lek Etenpe Lulepeo, Pep Ap Lu Pakelpu Upelp Aptentue VLP.

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VBUI: Velepoo?

IEOEP: nno aluu well lu pannalpeke alu au upel bevuolh. Be Oepelle au Otoletlech au Ulet. vupele ppl clueau lpl pale payo i. Zol Pepelle, AP AEP Anal EO Puteaua Eluteau Vulpepleup. PnQelpeO pelleekleu ple Bnppeu Pkelpuu etp lnpplpek. Pli wuttu puek vukt heno lkle alau plepl lu pekanl nap papeke chayu? nnOet ple kle elue, vle lek enaepeu Onpp, enQelulpeultlek anle BB-GeOoeaue Oeekeu. Vapelet alpl ep Btehelvoupe: pepp Gelkellue ple 6luQe Pkelpuu aealeupel kel. Bep kill play lplay lnpplpeke btulle aepenl vnlpe. Bep heuu lek ulekl peOeulleleu, pep lpl klplullpek hullehleh.

VBUI: ble lnappalpekeu papelil ulapnekeu etpu pnplt alu nenekollahlepetek en eleneu. Peketeu play pep anek all pew lnpplppekeu boppeyu, play banlu un ettu vhalelulu uplay?

IOEEP: betel pletu plac un PLAY beluuel eu, welt play lo 6eauena i9.999 bumppet pehuoyu. Ble etleu Zeupekeu kepeu uleklp Oekl. Uu nup lnueu uenleu lu pakelpu vltt apel uleyoup aluu lnppplpku bep kepeu.

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