UN report: States should increase climate protection efforts seven-fold to reach 1.5 degree target

UN report: States should increase climate protection efforts seven-fold to reach 1.5 degree target
overseas United Nations report

States should increase climate protection efforts seven-fold to reach 1.5 degree target

UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday after North Korea's missile test UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday after North Korea's missile test

The scene of a meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UN)

Source: DPA/Ralph Hirschberger

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Days before the Glasgow conference, according to the United Nations, there is a big gap between claim and reality in climate protection: a new report urges greater efforts – otherwise threatening dire consequences.

DAccording to the United Nations, the efforts of the international community are not enough to meet the Paris climate goals. In a report presented on Tuesday, days ahead of the climate change conference in Glasgow, the United Nations saw a big gap between national declarations and the actions needed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.

According to calculations, the latest climate promises made by countries will only result in an additional 7.5 percent reduction in greenhouse gases in 2030. However, a 1.5 degree target would require 55 percent and a 2 degree range would require 30 percent. The numbers go back to the update of national action plans to combat climate change, which 120 countries updated as of 30 September, according to the United Nations.

The world is still on track to warm the Earth by 2.7 degrees by the end of the century. However, the climate neutrality commitments of many countries could have a major impact if fully implemented, they would mean 0.5 degrees less global warming. However, some declarations are vague or ambiguous and need to be specified.

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The COP will begin next Sunday (31 October) in Glasgow, Scotland. It aims to discuss how to achieve the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees compared to the pre-industrial era in Paris in 2015. For this, all countries should prepare an action plan. However, many states are still deficient or not going far enough.

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“Climate change is no longer a problem for the future. It is a problem now,” said Inger Andersen, head of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). U.S. emissions will have to be halved. “The clock is ticking.” The head of the UN Climate Change Secretariat, Patricia Espinosa, made a similar statement on Monday: “We are not even close to where the science says that we should be.”

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