Unpopular “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” Candidate Justifies Himself After a Shocking Appearance

Unpopular "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" Candidate Justifies Himself After a Shocking Appearance
Silvia Kooymans caused outrage among some viewers with her statements.

Silvia Kooymans caused outrage among some viewers with her statements.Image: RTL/Stephen Gregorovius

Lastly in “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” The issue angered and shocked Günther Jauch by Hoxter’s candidate Sylvia Koemans’ statements about her daughter. Before it really started, she complained to the moderator that she had four sons but “luckily only one daughter”. “Yes, my daughter Julia is very nice and sweet, but also exhausting like the girls,” she said.

Kooymans also said: “You put on things in favor of boys – four jeans, sweaters. You put it on your daughter and she changes three times – already at the age of two.” According to the candidate, she is now 20 years old and still lives at home as she does not want to go out. “The worst is through,” she said. Feather Twitter The candidate was also criticized a lot during the demonstration. One user wrote: “It’s good that 2021 ends with the most inconsistent ‘WWM’ candidate. What she says about her daughter is terrible.”

Another user said: “She’s downright uncomfortable when she complains about her daughter like this. It’s meant to be fun, but at least to me it sounds mean.” Someone simply asked: “How can you constantly make your own daughter look so bad?” However, the Kooymans ignore any comments because they do not have Twitter or Facebook She said nowimage“And made it clear that “everything was fine” with the daughter.

Candidate speaks about her “WWM” appearance

“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” Koymans finally said after the newspaper episode aired: “We watched the show together yesterday. All is well with us. We both know who we are. Whenever I tell my daughter that she is difficult, she will say that it is true. And I want to know where he got it from.”

He has not read what has been written about him on the Internet.

He has not read what has been written about him on the Internet.Image: RTL/Stephen Gregorovius

Your daughter will now be contacted by other viewers through Facebook. Not an easy situation for him, the candidate said: “It made her a little insecure. But I told her that people probably don’t have much else to do. And make a big thing out of it. I didn’t just say she was tired, but also that she was well and well.”

everyone who Children Especially like the five of them, he knew what that meant, he insisted. Your daughter hasn’t thought about going out yet, “And she still doesn’t intend to do that,” Koomans finally clarified.


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