It was – after 2020 – perhaps the loudest, dirty, bizarre, frivolous and populist election campaign ever in a Western democracy. Donald Trump (75) vs Hillary Clinton (74). Now the horrifying landscape threatens many: a new version of the dirty 2016 election campaign.
US President Joe Biden (79) has been in the White House on January 20 for just one year. But there is already curiosity in the United States as to who could become his successor in 2024. And the names of two old rivals who were already politically suppressed keep popping up: Donald J. Trump (75) and Hillary Clinton (74)!
What’s Behind the Speculations of the 2016 Duel Resumption?
When the US Congress celebrated the anniversary of the storming of the Capitol by radical Trump supporters on January 6, only one lawmaker from Republicans’ 212 delegates and 50 senators was in attendance.
Hint: The party didn’t want to point the finger at Donald Trump, who has been accused by liberals of inciting unrest with his theory of stolen elections.
Republicans have reasons for their reluctance
First, Trump collects donations like no other, with more than $112 million in 2021 according to the “Wall Street Journal.” Second, there is no new top candidate for 2024 for the so-called Grand Old Party (GOP). No one is as well known as Donald Trump. No one can polarize like him.
But what’s just as important: Since the former real estate juggler was banned from social networks Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, the survey results have steadily increased. 52 percent of Americans still say they don’t like them. But it is down nine percentage points from a year ago.
He himself had already said indirectly in September that he wanted to make a third attempt at the White House. “Only a bad diagnosis from a doctor can stop me”, he predicted, adding: “But I feel great…”
Although Trump canceled a speech on January 6 at short notice, he planned to continue the demonstration on January 15 near Florence, Arizona.
Hillary Clinton is watching with great interest the disastrous elections of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, 57. The former US Secretary of State and presidential candidate, who has been away from politics for a long time after election gossip against Trump, is suddenly coming back to his position.
On the news channel MSNBC, he recently warned his party against identifying too much with his leftist. “Elections and majority are not won in deeply democratic states, but in districts that are difficult for us,” she said.
To put it simply: Democrats have to drive the so-called swing states away from Republicans, who are sometimes liberal and sometimes conservative. But it wouldn’t work if the party completely shifted to the left.
And she took a candid swipe at Joe Biden and Kamala Harris: “If we don’t have a white home that we can rely on to be healthy, calm, stable, and productive, we’re meaningless.” Ouch!
Former President Bill Clinton promoting his wife HillaryPhoto: Picture Alliance/AP Photo
Her husband, former President Bill Clinton (75), was already campaigning for it. In an interview with People magazine, he said of his wife: “She’s the most qualified candidate in my lifetime — and that includes me.” Have we ever made a mistake?
the american tabloid “New York Post” A quick comment on Wednesday read: “Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump 2024 – yes, life becomes a horror movie”.
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