US officials keep a close eye on Boeing – many aircraft remain on the ground

US officials keep a close eye on Boeing - many aircraft remain on the ground

Soon after take-off, a Boeing 777-200 lost parts of its failed engine in a suburb of Denver. The US Aviation Authority has now announced the results a day after the incident.

Not far from Boeing 777’s engine failure Denver In the state of Colorado, the US aviation authority FAA has announced the results. These types of machines, which are equipped with some Pratt & Whitney engines, should be accelerated immediately and on Sunday (local time), FAA owner Steve Dickson said a similar emergency policy was announced. “This would mean that some aircraft would have to be put out of service.” The inspection interval should be extended.

On Saturday, as a result of an engine failure, large aircraft parts fell as debris in residential areas far away from Denver. United Airlines (UA) Boeing 777 landed safely at Denver International Airport with 241 people. There were no reports of injuries – either on board or on the ground. The plane was heading from Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii, to Denver. According to the FAA, the machine’s correct engine failed shortly after takeoff.

Many aircraft remain on the ground

United Airlines announced that it would voluntarily remove 24 Pratt & Whitney 4,000-engined Boeing 777 aircraft from its flight schedule as a precaution. It should be ensured that these aircraft meet strict safety standards and can be put back into service. There are currently 52 of these aircraft in the fleet – 24 active and 28 in storage.

As a precaution, the Japanese Ministry of Transport ordered a flight ban for aircraft equipped with affected engines in their country. It affects 13 aircraft operated by Japan Airlines (JAL) and 19 aircraft operated by All Nippon Avarus (ANA), as announced by the ministry in Tokyo.

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