Usage plan
Water bodies are given more space in Basel
On behalf of the federal government, the Basel-Stadt cantonment determines the size of the water sector in a binding manner.
Water provides habitat for animals and plants.
Water and their bank areas are important habitats for animals and plants and provide protection from floods. However, according to a statement from the Department of Building and Transport, however, they are also «sensitive ecosystems that are severely affected by structures and intensive use».
On behalf of the federal government, the Basel-Stadt cantonment will now make the water sector binding and thus increase it as well. The cantonal utilization plan will be available to the public from April 19, the announcement continues.
There is also room for artificially created bodies of water
There is little room for maneuver for the cantonment: in defined areas, only plants “which are of public interest and location-dependent” can be constructed. These are, for example, sidewalks or bridges.
Basel originally intended to define a location for artificially created bodies of water, although the federal government would not be obliged to do so. For example, it is the same with St. Albans Pond.
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