UZWIL – You promote biodiversity in urban areas and create a 6000 square meter garden

UZWIL - You promote biodiversity in urban areas and create a 6000 square meter garden


They promote biodiversity in urban areas and create a 6000 square meter garden

The natural park’s core team of the Uzville Nature and Bird Conservation Association and other volunteers performed backbreaking on Saturday. With the aim that the natural garden project could soon develop its full appeal.

A pile of stones is more than a pile of stones if plants and animals are to feel comfortable in it.

A pile of stones is more than a pile of stones if plants and animals are to feel comfortable in it.

Picture: Joseph Bishop

The original idea of ​​the Uzhwil Nature and Bird Conservation Association was to protect the grassland on the north side of the Uzhwil Senior Citizen Center from being overly constructed. And more than this. It has to be transformed into a real natural paradise. This is why the association came to the municipality as the owner of the piece of land. In 2019, he signed a ten-year lending contract. This means that 6000 square meters of land can be converted into a natural park. The association shows how biodiversity can be applied in slum areas.

For long term protection

The Uzwill Nature and Bird Conservation Association, with approximately 200 members, is responsible for the design and maintenance of the natural park. The period of time, which in the opinion of the members should definitely be extended. Because nature demands that we think and act over a large period of time. For example, gardens planted last year will still go a long way from “coming of age” in a decade. And the dry stone wall and its occupants should be kept under permanent protection.

High-stemmed garden built in autumn.  A grass of flowers is planted among the trees.

High-stemmed garden built in autumn. A grass of flowers is planted among the trees.

Picture: Joseph Bishop

Children can also participate

Four projects were worked on and partially completed on Saturday’s mission: stacks of branches, piles of stones, a dry stone wall and an herb spiral. Under expert guidance, habitats have been created for many plants and animals – including those which are at risk and which have become rare. The natural park already has a high-stem garden and a hedge with Waldburgstrasse. There is a large wild bee hotel on the fence for the cemetery. In the meadow, strips are prepared for the sowing of flowering grasses.

The garden children’s project was started a year ago, where children plant vegetables and flowers.

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