Valentina Pahde injured: Mandatory break on “Let’s Dance” tour

Valentina Pahde injured: Mandatory break on "Let's Dance" tour

Bed instead of parquet.

She proudly took second place on the last season of “Let’s Dance”. Valentina Pahde (27) really wanted to give back in full to the upcoming show on the “Let’s Dance” tour. Now bad news for all the fans: The actress has injured herself and is out.

“Any movement can cause a rib to break,” Valentina explained in her Instagram story. So the doctor ordered her to take a break from dancing for at least a week.

in Hanover in early November

Valentina and her dance partner Valentin Lucin on the “Let’s Dance” tour in Hanover in early NovemberPhoto: Alliance / Geisler-Fotopress

And it doesn’t just make his fans sad. “Of course it breaks my heart. Would like to continue dancing with you Valentines,” she assured. “I am resting now and hope to be fit again very soon!”

There also: his (alleged) friend Rurik Gislason (33). On tour he danced with Renata Lucin (34). Can he comfort Valentina? At last both spoke out loud RTL Yes, it is believed that the turtle was seen in the hotel in Risa.

The two were photographed in the foyer holding hands, having breakfast together and sitting on a couch while they apparently gave each other sensual glances.

However, so far neither of them has commented on these hot rumours.

But now it’s time to treat it anyway!

They competed against each other in Let's Dance: The Lucene Duet with their dance partners Valentina Pahde and Rurik Gislason

Compete against each other in “Let’s Dance”: Lucin duets with her dance partners Valentina Pahde (L.) and Rurik Gislason (R.)Photo: Rolf Weinbernd / dpa

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