Vampire Survival should be playable offline as soon as possible

Vampire Survival should be playable offline as soon as possible

from Alexander Neu ,
Steam’s top seller is V Rising, a new vampire survival game with a gothic setting. Although Early Access Sandbox has received great user reviews, many players are annoyed by the current always-online liability. Now developer Stunlock Studios has announced that it will be making an offline mode available at the earliest.

in survival sandbox game we rising It is up to the players to avoid the sun, as they slip into the role of the vampire here. In both single player and online or LAN PvP, Junior Dracula must also build a grand castle to ensure his rule and protect personal wealth from enemies. The concept has already been very well received in Early Access, but many players are annoyed by the current always-online liability. Because developer Stunlock Studios assures on the game’s Steam page that V Rising can be played in offline mode as well.

We Rising: Offline Mode Will Be Added

Meanwhile, Swedish game developer on steam And discord Responded to legitimate criticism of players. Stunlock promised via the official Discord channel: “We’ve made it a priority, it’s [den Offline-Modus] be made available as soon as possible. For those of you who are unable to play due to inconsistent internet connection or the like, we apologize for the inconvenience. We expect the offline game to be available in the next few days, but probably sooner.”

More on the topic: We Rising | Preview | bloodthirsty meets survival instinct

We Rising enjoyed nearly 45,000 players on the day of Early Access’s debut (May 17), with over 100,000 players working at their Vampire Home at noon on May 21. The provisional all-time high is 101,036 players. As of now, V Rising can only be played on PC, but it is currently not known whether console versions are also planned.

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Source: Via pc gamers

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