Vanessa Blumhagen: Badenix: She shows her natural side

Vanessa Blumhagen: Badenix: She shows her natural side

Vanessa Blumhagen (44) Makes us dream of the holiday. The “Sat.1 Breakfast Television” star is taking a vacation in South Africa. The 44-year-old lets her fans share in the joy of her holiday. clearly relaxed and in a good mood sends her sunshine congratulations via Instagram. Vanessa’s latest selfies are particularly sensual. Tanned and completely natural, the socialist comes into the camera. She wears a pristine white bikini, which perfectly sets the figure of the beautiful presenter in the spotlight. In the background we can see a gorgeous blue pool. will be in south africa Vanessa Blumhagen Bathing for the mermaid!

We rarely see her so freely: Check out Vanessa Blumhagen’s sensuous vacation photos in the video above.

Vanessa Blumhagen: She glows in the colors of spring

While she is currently letting the South African sun shine on her face, Vanessa Blumhagen challenged the German spring storm a few weeks ago. shown in airy look Star “Sat.1 Breakfast Television” Its audience caused further excitement. In delicate colors of spring 44 year old insured. Despite the gust of wind, there was immediately a small fashion show for her fans.

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