Vanguard Map Guide – Sub Pen

Vanguard Map Guide - Sub Pen

The Sub Pain in Call of Duty: Vanguard is a medium-sized indoor multiplayer map. It was developed for 6v6 matches, but can also be played with more players in attack or blitz mode. We are fighting inside a submarine base where a submarine is currently at anchor.

As for the backstory, we are in a submarine base off the coast of France. Here Vanguard Special Forces are trying to uncover and sabotage the Axis powers’ Phoenix Project. Why the whole map looks great, but unfortunately doesn’t work very well, you can read about in our pen map guide.

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Sub Pen: Build Up

Sub Pen is a classic 3-lane map. The middle alley is a large, open hall with a large submarine in the middle. The submarine cannot be entered, but you can walk on top of it, under it or next to it. The stupid thing is that the whole hall is extremely open and can be seen from all sides, especially from a large open window in the southern area of ​​the map. Take a look at the minimap, you can get a better picture:

Photo: Activision

The southern area of ​​the sub pen has several rooms that are much higher than the hall. So almost the entire map can be camped from the middle room. The northern lane has narrow walkways that run along the side of the submarine and, apart from a few pillars, provide little cover. As I said, the submarine is occupied in the middle. The interesting thing here is that we can board the submarine, but can also walk under the submarine. But how do you play sub pen now?

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Sub Pen: Gameplay and Equipment

The biggest problem with the sub pen is that with the huge hall, most of the map is very open. Snipers or MG campers sitting in the southern or western rooms can lock all players inside the hall from a safe distance. If a team manages to capture and hold the middle chamber with the big window to the south, it has a huge advantage.

The room is relatively well guarded, as it can only be accessed through very narrow corridors from the lower rooms. So try to get a room with at least 2-3 players as soon as possible. Where 1-2 players guard the entrance to the room, others can camp in the hall.

Anyone who camps at the west end of the map or has just made it to the mentioned room can use it tax98k or that MG42 Farming kills well. If you want to keep going a little further, you must rely on stg44 set. Since there is very little coverage, lawmakers are often at a disadvantage due to limited limits on sub pens. So the best loadout should look something like this:

  • Extra 1: Spirit
  • Extra 2: Radar
  • Extra 3: Faster Speed
  • Primary: Termites
  • Tactics: Tranquilizer Grenade

Although the entire map runs in the base, there are a lot of empty spaces, which is why Gist is better suited here than Ninja. With radar you can see enemies on the minimap that shoot without the silencer, and you can run longer in a hurry. The latter is especially helpful when you’re trying to bypass your opponent or cover a long distance. As always, we use thermite and stun grenades for grenades, which create incredible effects in different rooms and corridors and spoil the fun of campers.

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These were our top picks for sub pens in Call of Duty: Vanguard. If you want to learn more about the weapons in Vanguard, here’s a short list for you:

>> Die Besten Waffen in Call of Duty: Vanguard <

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