Verdict on CO₂ reduction: Climate criminal Shell praises rapid recovery

Verdict on CO₂ reduction: Climate criminal Shell praises rapid recovery

Energy giant Shell is stepping up – though not entirely voluntarily: after the Netherlands ordered the company to reduce its CO₂ emissions, the company is looking to “face the challenge”. He writes company boss Ben van Burden In a post on the LinkedIn platform.

The CEO’s reaction to the decision appears to be divided: On one hand, the court’s decision is to be followed immediately, Van Burden said. The decision means “not a change, but an acceleration” of our strategy. The manager announced “courageous but measured” moves without giving any concrete plans.

At the same time, the manager clearly criticized the decision. This is the “wrong answer” to the climate crisis. If Shell stopped selling gasoline and diesel today, it would reduce the group’s carbon dioxide emissions, Van Burden said. “But it won’t help the world one bit.” Because the demand for fuel will remain the same. “People will just drive to other gas stations.” And that’s how the company wants to move against the decision: “We look forward to appealing,” the Shell boss writes. The group had already promised an appointment.

The fact that Shell torpedoed the decision, but also praised its rapid move away from fossil fuels, caused irritation among some LinkedIn users. “Why do you act against the verdict when you can speed up your strategy?” “The world, your customers, needs energy. But not oil.”

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