Viewers recognize skin cancer on edge

Viewers recognize skin cancer on edge

MWith a questionable life-saving diagnosis, a medical student has won over Canadian ice hockey clubs and fans across the country – and got off to a positive start in the new year, which is now spreading across the globe. Brian “Red” Hamilton, one of the kit supervisors for First Division ice hockey team Vancouver Canucks, was looking for his savior with a letter that the club distributed via Twitter on Saturday.

Hamilton wrote, “The woman I’ve been trying to find: You changed my life and now I want to say thank you very much.” The woman was one of the spectators of the Seattle Kraken game against the Vancouver Canucks on October 23. He found a suspicious mole on the kit attendant’s neck in front of him and tried his best to get his attention.

message typed on phone screen

Finally he wrote a message on his cell phone. He held the display up to the canucks’ bench separating plank so Hamilton could read it. “The mole on the back of his neck could be cancer. Please go to the doctor!”

Hamilton’s letter to his unknown savior spread quickly and was received within an hour. It was 22-year-old Nadia Popovici, who had recently been admitted to medical school. Hamilton showed up in press conference Was very happy “The only reason I really wanted to write the letter was to let her know that her persistence and everything she did was taken seriously.”

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