Vocabulary: You are no longer even allowed to go to the ice cream parlor by helicopter!

Vocabulary: You are no longer even allowed to go to the ice cream parlor by helicopter!

Everything is forbidden. Even for an ice cream parlor in Canada, well, somewhat speedy travel. A short story about freedom, an ice cream cake and bad consequences.

Poor Germany! Oh what, poor world! Prohibition as far as can be seen. No more human twitch without striking a few paragraphs. The world is littered with examples of the cruelest kind. Who should understand that the University of Luxembourg repeated a test in European law simply because the teaching staff inadvertently handed over the solution on the first attempt? Where is the European Court of Human Rights when needed?

Or, the famous example: The Post was not even allowed to send a letter addressed to the University of Beirut to the University of Beirut – the sender was already complaining. Who raves about the creativity of Swiss Post when it comes to delivery? No one! And then it is said again that Germany is not innovative enough as a place.

Police Still Received Words of “Appreciation” for the Pilot

Latest Case: A 34-year-old man is dragged to court in Canada because, yes, because – oh, a scandal! It’s summer, he wanted an ice cream cake… – He had to get there somehow. So what spoke against the early take-off of the helicopter? And just because the man was thinking practically, Tisdale landed right in front of the ice cream parlor in the middle of town, in the busiest parking lot — bang, charge!

Well, a little debris blew from the area. But even ice cream cake was not asked. NS police Ultimately, praise was sent in that the pilot had “raised the desire for ice cream to a whole new level”.

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Anna, the wife of super soccer player Robert Lewandowski, also had a helicopter that took her to town for sandwiches. The law remained silent. At least bread rolls still enjoy a certain freedom.

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