Volcanic eruption: Germans flee from lava flow on La Palma – on their boat (VIDEO)

Volcanic eruption: Germans flee from lava flow on La Palma - on their boat (VIDEO)
Watch in video: German couple take refuge on boat from Cambre Vieja’s lava

On the Canary Islands of La Palma, more lava flowed down the mountain on Friday than ever before. The Volcanoes Institute of the Canary Islands, called Involcan, also spoke of a “lava tsunami” given the impressive images. According to experts, the main reason for this is the nature of the area. Because lava flows more than 1,200 degrees hot where it moves downhill just as fast. Experts say the volcanic eruption began about four weeks ago and may have stabilized now. But no one can say when he will calm down. German pensioner Jurgen Doelz and his girlfriend Jacqueline Rehm are also among the victims of the natural disaster. But they were lucky, as Jurgen Doelz recently told La Palma: “When my girlfriend lost her job, we thought it was going to be expensive and wanted to sell it. And that’s the morning of Sunday, September 19th. , there was another potential buyer who wanted to buy the boat, she was a French lady. And then we took a test drive. But then she decided against the boat as it was not sporty enough. And that afternoon the volcano erupted and we got lucky. Were that we still had the boat and we could get on the boat with our belongings. That was the situation. And we’ve been living on this boat ever since. Very tight, but it works.” More than 7,000 people have already had to leave their homes and about 1,500 buildings have been destroyed. The eruptions are accompanied by several mild earthquakes.

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