League of Nations
Volleyball players save their chance for the final round
German volleyball players survived their chance to enter the final round of the Nations League.
Photo: Pic Alliance / Silas Stein / DPA
Calgary With a win, German volleyball players saved their chance to enter the final round of the Nations League. National coach Vital Heinen’s team defeated hosts Canada in Calgary 3:1 (25:19, 19:25, 27:25, 25:23).
Nevertheless, it will be difficult for the Germans to make it to the last eight. The team will have to beat the league leaders of USA in the evening (10 PM) and already expect a loss against Italy against Thailand.
The best German attacker on Saturday was Hanna Orthmann with 21 points. The DVV team began without exceptional player Louisa Lippmann, who switched to beach volleyball.
In the Nations League, the world’s top 16 teams for men and women play against each other at three venues over six weeks. After twelve games per team, the eight best teams advance to the final round. The games of this competition are important for the world ranking.
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