Wacken Open Air Has Been Canceled – Hope of Autumn | NDR.de – News

Wacken Open Air Has Been Canceled - Hope of Autumn |  NDR.de - News

Status: 01.06.2021 at 7:23 pm.

Organizers of the Heavy Metal Festival announced on Tuesday that the Waken open air, to be held in July, had been canceled. But a live concert is still expected in the fall.

The festival’s co-founder Thomas Jensen says his heart is bleeding, but the right decision is to cancel the festival this year. Because the safety of fans and people of Waken is very important. Fans come from 80 countries around the world, and strict travel rules apply in many areas. Too many metal heads should not have even entered the country. The festival’s founder Thomas Jensen says “there is no date for Wacken Open Air where nothing works”. According to the organizers, a Waken Open Air with 2,500 festival visitors, as the state government’s current step-by-step plan would have made possible, is no mean feat. 2,500 fans at WOA – the last in the 90s. This year the festival will sell out with 75,000 tickets.

Organizers are expecting a live music format in the fall

First of all this summer there is no wacken scream, no hard guitar and no beer from the cans that have been in the sun all day. But music lovers are not required to completely close the concert in Waken for the year 2021. The organizers are currently working on ideas for a live music format for the coming autumn. Thomas Jensen hopes that a study currently underway will examine how live events can be conducted in the event of an epidemic. The festival’s founder says, “We now have great hopes that we will do something new in September and celebrate live music at Waken”. While planning, he and his team will now return to the experiences made in the canceled festival preparations. “We would have done the Waken Open Air with a rigorous testing regime as well and I think in September we will be back to a lot of stories that we have now worked on.” Among other things, the test regime would have provided for all festival visitors to be tested daily and to prohibit the arrival of someone who did not have a ticket and who would enjoy the atmosphere at the Wackner Hauptstrasse in Germany’s highest village Wants to take

Exchange tickets or get your money back

The exchange of tickets for the next year is expected to begin in mid-June. Visitors can then exchange or request a payout from August 4-6, 2022. Last year, according to organizers, more than 90 percent of fans decided to swap for the following year.

Fans show a heavy metal salute.  © Photo Alliance / Axel Hemken / DPA Photo: Axel Hemken

Audio: Wacken open air again postponed (1 minute)

Additional Information

Celebration organizers of the Waken Open Air Holger Hubner (left) and Thomas Jensen (right) © dpa-Bildfunk

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Waken Open Air 1990: The crew takes a break during the installation of the stage.  © Waken Open Air

In 1990, it begins with 800 visitors, known today as the world’s most famous heavy metal festival: the Waken Open Air.

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