“We Didn’t Expect It”: NATO Officials Shocked by Putin’s Political Determination

"We Didn't Expect It": NATO Officials Shocked by Putin's Political Determination

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine surprised even NATO officials – at least in this form. Tagespiegel learned this from two high-ranking soldiers in one of the Coalition armies. It is true that Russia’s military capabilities were not underestimated, but rather its political determination.

“We did not expect Vladimir Putin to now intend to overthrow the government in Kiev,” said an official dealing with the situation in Eastern Europe. “We did not expect Moscow troops to immediately attack targets in central Ukraine.”

[Alle aktuellen Nachrichten zum russischen Angriff auf die Ukraine bekommen Sie mit der Tagesspiegel-App live auf ihr Handy. Hier für Apple- und Android-Geräte herunterladen]

After Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kailas said on Thursday that he already had intelligence about it. However, it is not clear how specific this information was and when exactly it was sent to neighboring countries and NATO.

He also wrote on Twitter that he strongly condemned the attack. This is a crime that requires a clear international response and a strong response.

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