Well-known leaker reveals details about setting and main character

Well-known leaker reveals details about setting and main character

of Sarah Petzold
Leaker Tom Henderson has revealed new details about the as-yet-unannounced GTA 6 in a video. Henderson went on to, among other things, the main characters, who are about to join players in the latest Rock Star title.

Rockstar still hasn’t officially announced GTA 6, but the rumors about the latest offshoot of the gangster franchise don’t seem to end there. Now well-known leaker Tom Henderson a video on youtube Reported and summarized what is known so far about GTA 6.

Multiple playable characters, one female hacker

Henderson, who is actually known for the Call of Duty leak, says he received information about GTA 6 Received from “conversation”. He does not reveal who his interlocutors were. But his information sounds interesting. Because Henderson reveals the following information in the video:

  • We will be able to play many different characters again in GTA 6. How many there will be is now open.
  • One of the playable characters must be a highly intelligent woman who supports the team with her technical tools and hacking skills. Maybe Rockstar is taking inspiration from Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs here?
  • The setting must be currently located and has something to do with Vice City.
  • There will be a multiplayer mode in which the map changes through regular updates, similar to Fortnite.
  • The release of GTA 6 will probably take a long time, however, according to Henderson, Rockstar has been working on the game for a long time. The developers wanted to avoid negative headlines due to the crisis and the postponement. This could also be a reason why Rockstar hasn’t made an official announcement about GTA 6 yet.
  • GTA 6 is to be released exclusively for PC (Windows), Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. However, Henderson believes that only in 2024 or 2025 players will have one of the next generation consoles for the release of GTA 6 to be worthwhile.
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If you can’t wait for GTA 6 to release, you can at least wait for the waiting time with the upcoming release of the enhanced version of GTA 5 for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. It will release on 11 November 2021.

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