It is a question of belief that men have the ability to divide the world: wet or dry? Although some swear by the Bryce electric razor, others are not to do without the wet polished smoothly polished end result.
It is thanks to Jacob Schick (1877–1937) that this question arises at all. The gold digger and soldier invented the electric razor and put it up for sale in New York on March 18, 1931, for the first time. The reason for the invention was – at least according to legend – considerable restriction: Ex-servicemen were living in Alaska as a gold digger in 1910, when he sprained his ankle on an expedition. Cutting a hole every day by the frozen lake was a cause of much trouble for him to shave the water. Therefore, the resourceful gold digger looked around for alternatives. He designed a razor head by crushing the razor blades and attaching them to a plate. It was powered by an external motor. But the first models aroused little interest as they were hardly usable. The shaving head was wired to a motor the size of a grape. The manufacturers refused.
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Little luck for the inventor
But Schick did not give up and kept molesting. He developed a very small motor that fits into the actual razor, making it easy to use. The rest is history: Schick founded a company and launched his razor in 1931 in New York City. “Skicks” soon got big sales. In 1937 the inventor sold 1.2 million copies in the United States, Canada and England. However, the electric shaver only came to Germany and Austria after World War II. Rapidly increased Shix competition: companies such as Braun and Remington developed cheaper and more sophisticated equipment.
Jacob Schick was not very lucky with his invention. After the entrepreneur invested his fortune in the Bahamas, he moved to Canada in 1935 and provoked American tax authorities. He died there in 1937 as a result of a kidney transplant.
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