What helps against cold?

What helps against cold?

It Helps Even When You Have a Cold Mute Preferably! The immune system needs strength to fight the virus. adequate sleep, rest and little tension are the basis for a quick recovery, In addition to commercially available cold medicines, there are other options that can relieve symptoms. These include eg. BSOI keep warm, drink a lot, breathe or take a cold shower and of course get fresh air,

What helps with cold symptoms?

  • sniff: Inhalation with hot steam helps here. They loosen nasal secretions and clears noseSo that breathing becomes easier again. A nasal spray may provide short-term relief, but it should not be used for more than seven days.
  • cough: It can also be helpful if you have a cough essential oil Inhale to clear the airway. To loosen mucus, cough suppressants from the pharmacy can be useful or herbal active ingredients based on eucalyptus, thyme or ivy.
  • Sore Throat and Sore Throat: The neck should be kept as warm as possible. This can be achieved through a scarf, but also through hot drink or soup, sweet pills Can give relief from itchy throat. Besides that, the voice deserves a break.
  • fever: An elevated temperature indicates a functioning defense process in the body and is useful for fighting infection. However, temperatures above 39 ° C should be treated with antipyretic medicine. Cooling calf wraps (for 15-20 minutes) are also considered soothing.

In most cases, the cold will go away on its own and there is no need to see a doctor. However, if the fever is very high, or if you experience shortness of breath, convulsions or fainting, doctor should be consulted,

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