What is changing when it comes to sending and receiving parcels

What is changing when it comes to sending and receiving parcels

DHL is currently notifying customers via e-mail about upcoming changes to the General Terms and Conditions. The new rules for sending and receiving parcels will come into effect from October.

With the new terms and conditions, DHL wants to provide more information to customers in the future, but at the same time make new services accessible to them. In short, the service of parcel service won’t change much, but private customers should still be aware of minor changes.

DHL’s new terms and conditions can be found online

As announced by DHL, the changes to the Terms and Conditions will be effective from October 1, 2022. Along with the rules already in force, the new rules customers can view online, However, DHL links here only the full list of terms and conditions, so the changes are not visible at a glance. The company only lists individual points in the e-mail. We have also read the old and new DHL Terms and Conditions and filtered out individual changes.

The changes therefore affect customer information upon receiving the parcel and explain details on possible denial of acceptance, parcel storage at another location and shipments from non-EU countries. For example, DHL requires an addition under section 2 of the General Terms and Conditions that users of Post and DHL App They must provide their address if they wish to use the Services.

Various sections have also been added to the Services section in Section 4. These include, for example, package notification, digital denial of acceptance and option Go Green Plus,

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DHL’s GTC Change Detail

  • From the autumn of 2022, we will give you as a DHL customer even more transparency about the permanent receipt of your shipment with additional information in your customer account. In addition, you can use GoGreen Plus Recipient Service for a small surcharge to arrange for DHL parcels addressed to you and Warrenpost shipments to be received in a climate-neutral manner – DHL Logistics Network, additional reduction in greenhouses Thanks to the measures then gas emissions are avoided.
  • Have you ever needed to refuse a shipment? With our “Acceptance of Digital Rejection” service, you have the option in advance and online to decline the acceptance of shipment.
  • Assist your DHL deliverer to reliably handle your storage request. Please ensure that your storage location is not visible from publicly accessible areas (eg roads, public paths), is protected from weather and is freely accessible to the distributor.
  • You cannot address shipments from non-EU countries to a packing station or branch. Since they are subject to customs declaration, you must address these shipments to your home address.
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