What time of day is physical activity best – healing exercises

What time of day is physical activity best - healing exercises

When is the best time of day to exercise for heart health?

It is known that physical activities Can help strengthen the heart. But to whom? day time is it for them Heart Brains Best to train? A new study now provides the answer to this question.

According to a new, “inEuropean Journal of Preventive Cardiology‘, a journal of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), morning physical activity is associated with the lowest risk of heart disease and stroke.

moving is good for the heart

“It is well known that exercise is good for heart health, and our study now shows that morning activity appears to be most beneficial.”Study author Ms Ghali Albalak from Leiden University Medical Centre, The Netherlands explains message Esc.

“The results were particularly evident in women and applied to both get up early Also for night owls.

Data on over 85,000 people

The study used data from the UK Biobank. It included 86,657 adults aged 42 to 78 who were abstinent at baseline. heart disease Were. The median age was 62 years and 58 percent were female.

participants wore one for seven days in a row activity tracker It has been followed for cardiovascular disease on the wrist and for years.

during the ages of six to eight years follow up time 2,911 participants developed coronary artery disease and 796 suffered a stroke.

When comparing peak activity times in a 24-hour period, the risk was lowest for activity between 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. heart diseases and is associated with stroke.

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benefits of being active in the morning

In a second analysis, the researchers divided the subjects based on primetime of physical activity in four groups: 1) meridian; 2) early in the morning (up to 8 in the morning); 3) late morning (up to 10 am); and 4) in the evening (by 7 p.m.).

Compared to the reference group (the afternoon group), participants who were active either early or late in the morning had an 11 percent and 16 percent lower risk of developing a tumor. coronary heart disease, In addition, those who were most active in the late morning had a 17 percent lower risk of stroke than the reference group.

were consistent regardless of the outcome total quantity regarding daily activities and whether participants described themselves as morning or evening people.

The results are especially clear in women

In a separate analysis of the results after gender The scientists found that the results were especially pronounced in women.

Women who were active early or late in the morning had a 22 percent or 24 percent lower risk of coronary artery disease, compared with the reference group. Besides, the ladies were late late morning Those who were most active had a 35 percent lower risk of stroke, compared to the reference group.

“It was a observational study And so we cannot explain why the associations were more pronounced in women.”Albalak explains.

“Our findings add to the evidence on the health benefits of physical activity by suggesting that early morning, and particularly late morning, activities most beneficial Maybe”Researcher continues.

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“It’s too early for a formal one AdviceMake morning exercise a priority as this is a whole new area of ​​research. But we hope that one day we can refine the current recommendations by adding just one line: ‘When exercising, it is recommended to do it in the morning’. (advertisement)

Author and source information

This text conforms to the requirements of the expert medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


  • European Society of Cardiology: What is the best time of day to exercise for heart health?, (Accessed: November 20, 2022), european society of cardiology
  • Gali Albalak, Marjon Stijntjes, David van Bodegom, Wouter Jukema J, Douwe E Atsma, Diana van Heemst, Raymond Noordam: Setting your clock: the association between timing of purposeful physical activity and cardiovascular disease risk in the general population; In: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, (Published: 2022-11-14), European Journal of Preventive Cardiology

Important Notes:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. It cannot replace a visit to the doctor.

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