What vitamins are there?

What vitamins are there?

As the name suggests, fat-soluble vitamins can only be found in combination with fat can be absorbed by the body. Vitamin A, K, D and E should not be consumed in excess, as it can lead to overdose.

These are fat soluble vitamins

  • Vitamin A (retinol) It is important for metabolism, vision and the immune system, among other things. It is found, for example, in marine fish or liver. Vegetable products such as spinach, carrots or kale only contain carotenoids, which the body can convert into vitamin A in combination with fat.
  • vitamin D It is mainly absorbed by the UV rays of the sun and ensures a healthy immune system and good bone metabolism. Vitamin D can also be taken in small amounts through food, for example through milk or avocados.
  • Vitamin E An umbrella term for a total of 13 vitamins. They are mainly found in plant products such as olive oil or nuts. Among other things, E-vitamins have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Vitamin K Ensures wound healing and is important for bone metabolism. Vitamin K is found in many types of vegetables such as lettuce, potatoes or spinach. Chicken also contains vitamin K.

Deficiency of one or more vitamins has physical consequences. These can range from fatigue or hair loss to depression or muscle wasting.

If you are diagnosed with a deficiency, you should discuss with your doctor how it can be corrected. This can be done, for example, by changing your diet or by taking supplements.

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