WhatsApp understands: Annoying Messenger problem fixed

WhatsApp understands: Annoying Messenger problem fixed

Even though some WhatsApp users aren’t fans of voice messages, the feature is undoubtedly a welcome alternative to classic text messages for others – especially if you don’t have the time or archive to type.

Until now, though, voice messages have been a major annoyance for many people: When speaking a memo, it couldn’t be interrupted to complete it later. Especially annoying, of course, when you interrupt a call or something like that with a long message and then have to start a new voice message.

With a new update, WhatsApp will soon solve this problem, the always well informed blog WABetaInfo got to know.

WhatsApp Innovation: Pause Voice Messages – This is how it works

As can be seen in the YouTube clip above this section, users will get an additional red button on the voice message screen in the future. It must be tapped during recording to stop the memo. With a single tap on a single button, voice messaging can be easily resumed without starting a new one.

According to information received from WABetaInfo, the new feature has so far been discovered only in the beta version of iOS. However, Messenger developers are apparently already working on a variant for the Android system. So far this function has not been activated in the final or beta version of WhatsApp. Then one of the next updates should be expected to improve voice message recording.

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