Which vitamins for hair loss?

Which vitamins for hair loss?

home failure It can easily develop when there is a deficiency of important vitamins in the body. Hair follicles have a high metabolic rate and are therefore dependent on an adequate supply of vitamins. So that hair grows wellFive vitamins play a major role.

diagnosis either to reduce Hair fall can be stopped only by giving adequate amount to the body. Vitamin A, Vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D And Vitamin E provides.

Five vitamins against hair loss

So that your hair does not fall, you should make sure that you always give enough hair to your body. five vitamins take care of:

  • Vitamin A: This vitamin directly participates in the synthesis of fats in the hair follicles. Its deficiency can cause hair fall. One Vitamin A intake Succeeds topped with apricots, broccoli, carrots or spinach.
  • Vitamin BVitamins B3, B5 and B6 stimulate the sebaceous glands to become active. They also stimulate important metabolic processes occurring in the hair roots. In addition, they protect B vitamins They have an anti-inflammatory effect in the scalp form. Eating nuts, legumes and whole grain products can promote hair health.
  • vitamin C: absent in the body vitamin C, it can damage the hair structure. Adequate vitamin C promotes hair growth. It is also involved in the formation of collagen, which is essential for building and protecting hair follicles. Since the body cannot produce vitamin C on its own, it must be obtained from food. It is mainly found in citrus fruits, but also in other types of fruits and vegetables.
  • vitamin DWhen there is a deficiency of Vitamin D in the body, the hair follicle cycles change. It can also become clogged, which promotes hair loss. Adequate sun exposure activates vitamin D production in the body. Salmon and herring also provide vitamins, as do fatty fish.
  • Vitamin E: When there is enough vitamin E, hair grows faster and is healthier. As an antioxidant, it also protects the hair from harmful effects. Important vitamins can be supplied to the body through vegetable oils, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds or sunflower seeds. there also hair oilWhich contains vitamin E and transmits it to the hair through the scalp.
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