Who is allowed to perform at the opening of the fair?: Mongolians compete with Howie Kranz. regional

Who is allowed to perform at the opening of the fair?: Mongolians compete with Howie Kranz.  regional

Who is allowed to attend the opening of the fair? ,

Mongolians make up the Howie Kranz competition

Hearn (NRW) – Pot has his party again. After a two-year pandemic break, Harness Mayor Dr. Frank Duda (59) with barrel tapping at the 538th Kranger Fair on Friday. Their motto: Kranz 2022 is “Summer Fairy Tale in the Ruhr”.

The formal tapping of the barrel for the return of Kranz on Friday

The formal tapping of the barrel for the return of Kranz on Friday

Photo: Stephen Schuetze

The guests of honor were: President of the Bundestag Barbel Bass (54, SPD) and Mona Neubauer (45, Greens), Deputy Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Initially acclaimed star: Schlager icon Howard Carpendel (76) began his concert run to coincide with the Kranz return with the hit “Hello Again.”

Howie's performance stunned the crowd

Howie’s performance stunned the crowd

Photo: Stephen Schuetze

But BILD found out: Schmuse was an almost diplomatic ambivalence about the singer’s appearance.

Mayor Dudda: “In the race for the krange, the Mongolian ambassador called me. He wanted musicians from Mongolia to play at the opening. ”

Cheers to successful diplomacy: His Excellency Dr. Mandakhbileg Birwa Mayor of Hernes, Mongolian Ambassador Dr. Frank Dudda

Cheers to successful diplomacy: His Excellency Dr. Mandakhbileg Birwa Mayor of Hernes, Mongolian Ambassador Dr. Frank Dudda

Photo: Stephen Schuetze

According to “Hern Marketing”, it was the “Kukh Mongol” trio that was popular in their country, with a performer who was quite attractive to Kranz: a throat-overtone singer, a dancer and a horse-headed violin. player.


The trio “Kukh Mongol” is very popular in its homeland. Due to construction projects in Mongolia by the Herner company Hetkamp, ​​the ties between the mining city and the East Asian state are close.

Photo: Stephen Schuetze

Mayor Duda continued: “I told him we already booked Howie.”

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But the ambassador showed diplomatic firmness.

Dudda: “He said his compatriots had sold more records than Carpendale.” In the context that Howie Kranz was a better match for the target group, the mayor of Hearn was finally able to explain.

Right Verdict: The singer caused ecstasy among over 2000 marquee visitors. They danced on the table and bench and asked for two encores.

And there was also a diplomatic solution for the “Kukh Mongol”: they played at the unofficial opening on Thursday.

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