“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”: Jacques Makes Fools Fools | Entertainment

"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?": Jacques Makes Fools Fools |  Entertainment

“Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” lazy spell in ,

Jauch Fools Mentalists

He didn’t see that coming…

“who wants to be a Millionaire?” Candidate Daniel Dippe wanted to explain his supernatural abilities to Gunther Jauch, 66, on Monday evening. Banker works as a mentalist in his spare time and also composed a number for the show. Only the moderator was a big step ahead of him.

Jouch about your opponent’s hobbies: “That means it’s easier for you to see whether your answer is right or wrong?” The 36-year-old’s advice: “You have to be careful with what you say, so I don’t’ listen to see if they can reveal the answer already.

Dippe confidently declared: “It may well be that I can always beat them and they will not have a chance.” His move: “Statistically speaking, I can guess what you’re doing.” But the numbers reversed. The two had actually planned three laps.

But it was over after the second, as Jauch had won both. On the first pass he grabbed the scissors while defeating the candidate who chose the paper. In the second round, Jauch took the paper and conquered Dippe and his stone.

to get in the mood

Played a round of “Schnick, Schnack, Schnuck” to get in the mood: Daniel Dippe and Gunther Zauch

Photo: RTL/Stephen Gregorovius

The quiz master scoffed, “The magic show is sold out! Everyone who comes to him leaves with a victory sign.” The guessing fox had to use statistics to explain and appreciate it. “They no longer classify themselves in the 66 percent who usually do it wrong.” According to Dippe, men in particular often start with stone. If he makes the paper himself, the round will be won for him.

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What the North Rhine-Westphalian did not suspect at the time: in truth, Günther Jauch had betrayed him. The moderator waited until the 16,000 euro question to resolve the issue, then let the cat out of the bag. Jouch zu Dippe: “You can confirm that we don’t see each other and don’t talk before the show. I just get a small index card with some biographical data et cetera.”

The candidate’s file states that he won “schnick, schnack, schnack” 90 percent of the time. Zauch: “I thought to myself: ‘It can’t happen. I’m not that stupid.'” Then the quiz master had an idea: “I googled and entered: ‘How do you win at Schnick, Schnack, Schnuck Huh?'”

Their research revealed: “If we win, we’ll do the same thing again. If we lose, we change.” Anyone starting with scissors will benefit, too. And that’s the joke. did it. Very clever!

Quiz questions were better for their candidate. Dippe has withdrawn a total of 16,000 euros and wants to go on vacation with the family.

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