BERLIN/HILPOLTSTEIN (DPA) – The hoop is “Bird of the Year” in 2022. With about 32 percent of the vote, the House prevailed against Martin, Bloodline, Field Sparrow and Wheatier, such as the Naturschutzbund Deutschland (Naboo) and the Bavarian State Association for Bird Protection (LBV), announced Thursday.
This is the second time the two nature conservation associations have publicly called for annual bird elections. They have been conferring this title for over 50 years – however, experts have chosen the bird of the year. In the anniversary year, the population was allowed to vote for the first time and voted for Robin. According to Nabu, this time more than 142,000 people took part in the virtual elections.
“The hoop is one of our most attractive native birds. Their spectacular orange-red plumage coupled with the distinctive feathered hood has certainly earned them a vote or two,” said LBV president Norbert Schaefer. The cordon also stands for an important nature conservation issue.
Although this is unmistakable, bird fans rarely see the hoop: only a few hundred breeding pairs of the bird, which are considered endangered, still live in Germany. According to Naboo, the cordon needs open, species-rich landscapes such as vineyards, orchards and embankments. The lack of insects and the loss of natural nesting sites are her problems.
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