Why do you still need Facebook?

Why do you still need Facebook?
too big to fail

Facebook benefits from a wider user base in this country, but worldwide. Photo: Daniel Reinhardt / DPA / DPA-TMN

(Photo: dpa)

In recent years, however, Facebook has also been due to legal initiatives such as the General Data Protection Regulation In addition, other networks such as Instagram, a subsidiary of Facebook, or Tiktok are now generating more attraction with younger users. The Facebook user base is becoming outdated. Media trainer Teja Adams says active usage is also declining and many users rarely log in to the platform.

Why should you still register on Facebook today? If it relies on Facebook, you definitely need an account to stay connected with family and friends, says media journalist Daniel Fienne. “However, for most users, Facebook no longer has this function.”

Most people will now post elsewhere, whether in the family’s WhatsApp group or on Instagram. Nevertheless, Facebook is still interesting: “Many users use the platform to manage contacts and learn about events.”

All groups already exist

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In this regard, Facebook benefits from a large user base in Germany, which, according to Teja Adams, represents Facebook’s biggest advantage over other networks. Facebook is aimed at practically all groups of users. For Adams, one thing is clear: “So Facebook is the network on which you still have the greatest chance of meeting friends and acquaintances.”

Another reason that speaks for Facebook, Adams says, is the many possibilities that the platform provides. “Compared to other networks, Facebook offers the largest range of tasks. For example, users can chat, post on a PIN board or join groups and communicate.”

Event is a classic and much used field. Private individuals and organizations can create events here and indicate their participation or interest in an event. “Users can see who one of their friends is and exchange information about the incident,” says Adams.

Also, groups on Facebook are still very interesting. “For every topic, no matter how specific, you can find the right group on Facebook,” says Adams. Another strength of Facebook is evident in groups, namely a high level of local discrimination. “It is possible to find groups not only for their own interests, but also in their local environments.”

Always new tasks

In recent years, however, Facebook has also added more and more basic functions such as gaming, live video, or marketplaces to the platform. The latter works similarly to eBay Classifieds. Overall, there are many different tasks with which Facebook attempts to address various target groups. “But there is no longer any function that guarantees Facebook an absolutely unique selling point, or one that goes completely through the roof,” prohibits Adams.

Problems are also evident in other areas. Adams says some key features, such as a news feed, are no longer functioning properly. Facebook’s real heart is overloaded, with posts from friends often covered by other posts. Therefore, the newsfeed is no longer attractive to many.

“But Facebook won’t die anytime soon,” Adams is certain. The network is huge around the world and is very intimately connected in everyday and work processes. Adams also believes that the user base will remain stable. Even if there are no young new users, there are potential new user groups among older people.

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And Facebook is also trying to gain a foothold in the audio trend. A new format has been announced for soundbites, short, creative audio content and live audio rooms.

Away from ambiguous user guidance

In the past, Facebook has been repeatedly criticized for opaque default settings and misleading designs in the user interface. “With its design, Facebook should empower users to make good decisions,” Matthias C. of the Leibniz Institute for Media Research in Hamburg. Says Ketman.

Kettman, the media researcher, is particularly important for the so-called dark pattern. This is what we call user guidance, intended to motivate you to reveal private data or spend more time on the platform than you actually want.

In recent years, however, Facebook has also improved due to legal initiatives such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). “While the privacy settings on Facebook used to be low from the beginning, they are now set to high by default,” says Kettman.

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